Little Man, Time and the Troubadour

Docs - 2019

Is a country a shared idea? A common fantasy of its inhabitants? Merely a territory with a border around it, with a parliament, an anthem and a flag? Or does a country embody the sense of natural belonging, of a home?
Globalization has made the world smaller and has brought people closer; nowadays communities can even be virtual. But as Kurds die for a country without a territory, Europe threatens to disintegrate, the President of the USA wants to build a wall at the Mexican border, and a record amount of refugees on the move, the question “what is a countryā€¯ is, paradoxically, more relevant than ever.


Ineke Smits


The Film Kitchen


Inti Films


Ineke Smits


The Film Kitchen


Inti Films


"Netherlands Film Fund
NPO fund
Flanders Audiovisual Fun (VAF)
Belgian Tax Shelter"


Netherlands Film Fund
NPO fund
Flanders Audiovisual Fun (VAF)
Belgian Tax Shelter

Festival selection

DOK Leipzig 2019