This Film Stinks is an ode to the senses. Based on the frustration that no smell can be conveyed with film, director Denise Janzee, together with Stan, a 13-year-old boy with an anosmia, goes in search of smell through the other senses. A filmmaker with a passion for scent and a boy who doesn't have the sense, go together in search of seeing and hearing scent. Newly cut grass, a summer rain after a sweltering hot day, the smell of chocolate, the familiar smell of 'old'. How do you experience that when you can't smell it? Moreover: can a film start to smell?
Direction: Denise Janzée
Producer: The Film Kitchen
Genre: Youth documentary
Status: Broadcasting: November 10th 2019 19.25 hrs NPO3
Shooting period: 2019
Financiers: NPO Fund
Broadcaster: KRO-NCRV